She's been getting the bullshit 'but you will want children!!! TWO children!!' runaround for 2 years and the OBGYN refuses her outright.until she brings in the Certificate of Tranny Authenticity and all of a sudden he's totally happy to yank the uterus. Neither her GP or her OBGYN would even look at her uterus to figure out what was wrong with her until a mEnTaL hEaLtH pRoFeSsIoNaL forced a trans diagnosis on her simply because she said she didn't like how she couldn't wear her favorite clothes anymore after gaining a substantial amount of weight.
Ozzie lesbian youtuber was experiencing Acute Blood Loss every month for 4 years due to severe endometriosis which was draining her body to the point that she could not even hold a full time job or sustain friendships. A single good thing to come of this so far: